How To Advertise Online Casino

Want to market your casino online? You can also advertise any special deals you offer, new additions to your staff, and more. In general, you can follow a short set of guidelines to make sure you get the most from your email newsletters. Use strong subject lines. The subject line of your email is like the headline of a newspaper article. I have ever posted this question before but till now still have not get an answer for it, So i am posting it again. Recently i had bought a website, An affiliate for online casino website, I am now wondering, How can i market my website and allows people to join the online casino. I do not mind forking out a little bit of money for marketing, I would also like to know how much does the.

Advertising Opportunities

As the publishers of America’s largest gambling magazines, Casino Player and Strictly Slots, is not your typical gambling-oriented website. With print, web, digital and app advertising opportunities, we give our advertisers the ability to stay within their budget and still reach a steady stream of qualified customers on a variety of platforms.

You’ll find that no other site on the Internet can match our credibility. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised to see that we limit the number of banner ads on our pages to a minimum. What this means to our advertisers is maximum exposure and results!

Since 1995, has provided targeted marketing to affluent, college educated, young-to-middle-aged consumers with disposable income and a passion for casino gaming and sports betting. These consumers not only frequent land-based casinos, but also online gambling sites.


Top Banner – “Traditional”

The traditional banner is displayed at the top of every page of Banner is entered into a limited rotation and displayed at random.
RATE: $750/month
SIZE: 468 X 60 pixels

Square Banner

The rectangle banner has exclusive positioning and the banner will be displayed on every page of (including and
RATE: $2,500/month–Exclusive (one advertiser per month).
$1,200/month–Rotating (rotates at random with up to five advertisers per month)
SIZE: 300 X 300 pixels

Rectangle Banner

The rectangle banner has exclusive positioning and the banner will be displayed on every page of (including and
RATE: $1,300/month–Exclusive (one advertiser per month).
$625/month–Rotating (rotates at random with up to five advertisers per month)
SIZE: 300 X 150 pixels

Horizontal Banner:

The horizontal banner is displayed on every page of Only one advertiser per month.
RATE: $1,400/month–Exclusive (only one advertiser per month).
SIZE: 600 X 150 pixels

In Content Banner:

How Do You Advertise Online

The in-content banner is displayed in the body of every non-PDF article page on and Banner is entered into a limited rotation and displayed at random.
RATE: $1,500/month SIZE: 600 X 300 pixels


Video Advertisement

Videos are to be 400 x 400 pixels and no longer than 5 minutes. We support the following files: mov, mpeg, and mp4 files as well as support flash video files.
RATE: $1,000/month SIZE: 400 X 400


Newsletter Sponsorship

How To Advertise Business Online

Only one sponsorship per E-Newsletter. Exclusive positioning within E-Newsletter, plus a 50 word description.
RATE: $2000/issue
SIZE: 500 x 200

Dedicated Email Blast

Email blast created by your company and sent to entire email database.
RATE: $2000/blast

How to advertise online, free


Full Page Ad in Digital Edition of Magazine
RATE: $2,500
LIVE: 7.125″ x 9.875″
BLEED: 8.625″ X 11.375″

Video or Audio Embedded in Digital Edition
Add a video to editorial or advertising showcasing your, promotion or special event.
RATE: $500


How To Advertise online, free

Available on iPad only

These appear above the Cover Gallery on Casino Player and Strictly Slots apps. It can have a link as well, so could bring customers to a more detailed page on your website.

RATE: $500 per issue both publications


Standard Banner specs

  • Max file size: 20 k (kilobytes)
  • Animation: loop up to 3x
  • Format: gif, swf, or jpeg

How To Advertise Online For Free

Video Specs

  • The video format required is Flash (.flv)
  • The recommended bit-rate is between 300kb/s and 700kb/s.
  • Video options include embedded or pop-up videos within the digital edition that can auto-start or click-to-start;
  • or links to external videos that open in another window, leaving the digital edition open in the background for the reader to navigate back to.

Audio Specs

  • Streaming audio is required in a MP3 audio format.
  • Audio can be click-to-start, or auto-start when the page is opened. Audio can also be set to run for a length of pages.

App Banner specifications:

GIF, PNG, JPG file; 768 pixels wide (height can vary).

Please adhere to any copyright restrictions.

For Additional Advertising Information, please contact your sales representative or email your interest to